Thursday, March 3, 2016

Don't Let Your Grief Keep You From Living

We all must experience it. Death. It's apart of the souls cycle. But what do we do when a loved one passes away? Someone extremely close to you.  How do you deal with the emptiness inside?  Grief will take a person thru a full range of emotions that can be hard to navigate and the depths of them are different for us all. I in no way can begin to imagine what it must feel like to loose a child but it must be one of the most hardest things to ever have to survive. But what I hold true is that; what is NOT different is what happens when the soul transcends. 
If we can loose some of the ideology from the dominant society, we can understand that the soul is forever. IT never dies. So when a loved one passes, please believe that they are still with us in some way or another. If we can learn that these souls are on a different plane.. but still connected and doing 'work' from on the other side, I think the grieving process might be a little easier. Some people think of them as Angels, but in fact they are our Ancestors. 

I know for some, this will be of little or no comfort, and because of our internet connections, it is easy to see how many folks are suffering with grief. It has overtaken them so to speak. It breaks my heart to read posts where the person is obviously hurting and even tho some time has passed they still haven't made 'peace' with the fact that their loved one is gone.  All other cultures have rituals center around remembering and paying respect to the departed but most Blacks here in America don't know much about that. We've been lead to believe that is a form or voodoo or something silly like that. 
I for one truly believe that if we can reconnect to some of our original traditions and practices, we as WHOLE can be in a better place. Not only would it help with the grieving process, I think we would be amazed at the blessings and the protection that the Ancestors so want to give us. ~Peace and Rhythm

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