~Random thoughts from the mind of a Creole American Indian~
I AM your Indian grandma 🦅🦅
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
YES! I am Creole....!!
My Dad and Mom; I call them 'Salt N Pepper'
I have a 'friend' who always tells me.. "You not Creole, your mama is Creole, but you not." Now what kind of sense does that make? If my MAMA is Creole, then dammit; aren't I at least HALF!!?? Now don't get me wrong, I understand that to 'look' at me I might not appear to be Creole (that's a WHOLE nother blog) but all Creoles are not light skinned with 'good hair'. And like I said I am half, with the other half being mostly African and Native American decent; however I know
I'm Creole, cuz I feel it in my soul.
What makes me a Creole? It's the passion in how I love, it's the spirit in my fight; its the Rhythm in my dance; its the fire in my smile; its the realness in my tears. It's the way my hips move when I hear second line music. I am Creole, what da hell are you??!!
SN: I was born and raised in the bay, but when I hear this kind of music my body lets me know my roots.
Yesterday I saw that Creole was 'trending' on twitter, and I got all excited. Let me see what they talking bout over der' (Creole voice). So I click on the link and what do I see? A bunch of foos going in on some chick from the Bad Girls Club!!.. I guess her 'thing' is to say; 'I'm Creole!'..Since I don't watch the show, I'm not quite sure how she is using this phrase, but the ppl were going IN on her. "She ain't Creole"..and of course I'm thinking.. I can relate to that..HOW THEY KNOW WHAT SHE IS!!?.. I know one thing for sure, if they get her mad enough; they will soon discover just how Creole she is.. We don't play once we get mad.. One more validation for me; I tell ya..
:) guess I'm a third creole?? - @MissChanne