I guess I'll throw MY cents into the ring, just to get some things off my chest. The current 'distraction' of the week is the Martin/Zimmerman Trial. And I feel it is just that.. some sort of distraction for us to focus on while other things are going on behind the scenes. But what I want to know is; how long are we gonna be 'outraged'? How long will we have these 'discussions', like the big fat elephant in the room JUST showed up when Zimmerman decided to play cop. Come ON people, why is it that we only want to become 'militant' when it's convenient. But things are constantly shown to us on the daily, we have no discussion for that? Why is it NOW we are hearing.. 'what am I supposed to tell my son?' What you should have been telling him since the day is was born.. 'You Black in America and you have to watch your back'. Plain and simple. There was NOTHING Trayvon could have did differently to avoid being shot, once Zimmerman made it up in his mind that 'they always get away'. His fate was sealed at that moment. And that is the unfortunately reality we live in.
Once I had a co-worker laugh, when I said that there was parts of HER city that I would prefer not to drive through.. especially by myself. If it looks too rural; I get nervous. I know I can be a comedian at times, but folks laugh even when I'm being serious. The more I tried to explain myself, the more she laughed. I told her, 'naw, you not bout to find my body hanging from one of these Almond trees!!' I was not JOKING! Come to find our later.. oh yeah.. the Grand Wizard of the KKK lived out in that area. o_O Oh, and I had another friend who didn't understand why I was 'leery' of going around 'gated communities'. If I'm not 'invited'.. I don't go driving around 'all willy nilly; looking like I don't belong. Shoot, them folks will have the police out there faster than you can blink. Nope, I don't fool around.
Just like we are all up in arms TODAY.. remember that next week and even next MONTH when the next baby comes up dead. Folks are gonna go back to their lives, back to thinking we're living MLK's dream. Yeah.. we dreaming alright.
Keep thinking you 'free' in America.
I gave my son the "talk" at 9/10. The age when he was old enough to walk the streets alone. I truly believe him knowing has saved his life and got him to 23 without any trouble.