Let me explain. I like my coffee to be Strong. This means after it's brewed, it should be on the 'dark side'..then with the right amount of creamer... BAM!! You have a beautiful 'shade' of Coffee.
What made me think of this? I unno, my brain barely functions until I get Coffee. But as I was putting the grounds and water into the Coffee maker, it made me think of my grandmas.. When I was a little girl, I noticed that my Creole (light) grandma, used to take her Coffee 'Black' meaning she didn't put anything in it. But my African-American (dark) grandma used to put lots of Cream and Sugar in her Coffee. I always thought that was a 'trip'.
'Black Coffee'~ Heavy D & The Boyz
Well, as I sip my morning cup; I sit and think of how much I miss both grandmas, and how I'm a beautiful color combination of both.
And there you have it.. Another glimpse into the mind that is mine.
Peace and Coffee
Good insight on coffee.