Sunday, July 3, 2011

"So Now I've Got a You Tube Channel????"

First there was Face Book.  It took me awhile to catch up, but I finally got a Face Book. Well at least it seemed like a while, because once I signed up..there were a bunch of folks already on. Just waiting to make a friend request to anyone who's name looked 'kinda' familar..I was friending everybody  (at first), but I learned fast on who and who NOT to friend.  And I must say that Face Book has allowed me to reconnect and stay in contact with folks I would probably not have contact with. It can be a good thing if you use it that way.

Then there is twitter... I wasn't going to get a twitter page (at first). "What?? I got Face Book, what I need twitter for?" Well Twitter is different from Face Book, and I use it more now.  Face Book=Family Twitter=Friends and Famous Folks~That's the way I slit them up.
  Now I've got a Channel on You Tube...
I hope I can get some assistance on how to utilize this media outlet.  I have a feeling once I do, things will really get entertaining. I need some subscribers and I need to upload some videos... But how do I do all of that; when I'm on Face Book and Twitter??!!
So to sum it all up; my goals in life now include the following:

Making 'friends' on Face Book
Getting 'followers' on Twitter
Convincing ppl to 'follow' me on my blog page
Tricking my 'friends' and 'followers' to 'subscribe' to my You Tube Channel
 Ohhh! The pressures in life!!!!

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